Legislative Advocacy

Calhoun Intermediate School District’s Legislation and Education Policy team works to promote the legislative issues important to, and supported by, the Association of Barry, Branch, and Calhoun Superintendents (ABCS) and their respective local school boards. While lobbying and advocating for educational policy issues at the local, state and federal level, the office of Legislation and Education Policy also provides districts with information on changes in the law and legal issues affecting education.
Further, legislative services are provided to other Intermediate School Districts on a fee for service basis. Currently, the Calhoun ISD serves five other ISDs as Full Service Clients and an additional four ISDs as Legislative Support Clients. Full Service Clients receive direct legislative representation on behalf of their constituent school districts and Legislative Support Clients receive regular updates and information.
Having a registered lobbyist agent working in Lansing to represent a combined 49 School Districts and over 92,000 students, results in a stronger voice to advocate for and communicate the impact of legislation on public education with the three members of the Senate and ten members of the House of Representatives that serve the region.