Assessment and Accountability/ELL
The Assessment and Accountability Division of Regional Instructional Services provides administrators and school staff support with all areas of state-mandated testing. This includes providing information about M-STEP, SAT, and other assessments required by the MDE for accountability. Consultants also work closely with data and curriculum leaders to improve student outcomes, and to provide professional training and individual support to improve educators' skills in analyzing test results. Associated with the Division are English Language Learning (ELL) services, including WIDA screening and ACCESS testing, as well as state and federal mandated ELL accountability, and Title III. State and federal grants are also supported by the Division, including Title and 31a, Consolidated Application writing and Amending and working closely with MDE's Office of Educational Supports (OES). Grant support is provided through information, in-district consultation, and a CISD-hosted network of grant directors.