Adult Transition Program & Project Search

Adult Training Program

The Adult Training Program (ATP) program is for students who have completed their K-12 education, are on course to receive a certificate of completion and require additional time to gain skills leading to enhanced independence and gainful employment.

The Calhoun Intermediate School District’s ATP will provide data-driven progressive experiences in all four domains of transition:  

  • Adult Living 
  • Community Participation
  • Employment
  • Post-Secondary Education & Training

The program will be implemented with high expectations and accountability for students, family and staff.  To help lead a dignified and meaningful adult life the ATP promotes:  

  • Student independence
  • Self-advocacy
  • Social development
  • Personal care
  • Relationships
  • Career awareness
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Functional Academics 

ATP is committed to providing employment skills training through Work Based Learning and/or Volunteerism in collaboration with local businesses.  We provide opportunities for students to encounter a variety of meaningful jobs in the community.

A key component of the ATP program is partnering with outside agencies such as Alternate Choices, The Arc, CIR, Connections, Disability Network, E3,  MRS, and Summit Point to help provide services/support for students and families beyond the educational setting.

Beth Opdycke

Special Education Supervisor
ATP Attendance Line:


Beth Opdycke

Special Education Supervisor

ATP Attendance Line:

(269) 441-4044