Web Reporting



The Calhoun Intermediate School District (Calhoun ISD) Annual Website Report is a welcomed opportunity for the Calhoun ISD to communicate with our community about how we utilize the resources provided to us. Our spending decisions support our mission to develop, coordinate and provide researched-based educational services for its constituencies in an innovative and responsive manner to prepare those we serve to succeed in a global society.


The Calhoun ISD supports school improvement efforts, provides cost effective business solutions, offers programs for students, helps parents, and works within our community to maximize resources for all citizens and families. Just like any other business organization we issue paychecks, our staff travel to trainings and conferences, we contract with outside vendors for services, and we incur legal costs. Unlike other business organizations, we are governed by a school board selected by local district boards of education. Everything we do is subject to public review at any time by any person or organization.


If you simply review the numbers in this report, you have only scratched the surface of the Calhoun ISD. We invite you to dig deeper into our web site, by visiting the Doris Klaussen Developmental CenterDepartment of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Department of Technology, Department of Special Education Services, Department of  Legislation and Educational Policy, Regional Educational Media Center (REMC) as well as all other Calhoun ISD website links to better understand the depth of services provided to our constituencies throughout the year. If you have further questions, comments, or would like to arrange for a visit, please contact Dr. Terance Lunger, CISD Superintendent, at (269) 781-5141.


Examples of Services Provided by the Calhoun ISD



The Calhoun ISD serves as a central support system for all public, charter (public school academies) and, as appropriate, non-public schools that operate within the Calhoun ISD Service Area. There are 57 ISDs or Regional Education Service Agencies (RESAs) in the state of Michigan. No two are exactly alike. Each bases its work on the specific needs of their constituencies. All offer leadership, programs and services in the areas of instruction, career and technical education, special education, technology services and finance and in some cases, workforce employment and training services. The Calhoun ISD is proud to offer the following programs and services (the programs and services listed below are examples of our programs and services and is not meant to be an all-inclusive list):



  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Ed Yes! Support and professional development
  • Discount equipment and supply pricing through consortium buying
  • County-wide professional development for teachers, administrators, and support staff in a variety of areas
  • Medicaid claims coordination for Federal funding
  • Coordination of special education funds including millage revenue (Act 18 funds)
  • Collaborative community, human services and positive youth development services
  • Data-driven school improvement assistance including high priority school intervention
  • Legislative link to Lansing and Washington D.C. and leadership on public policy issues
  • Crisis management planning, crisis response and critical incident stress management
  • Provide Internet access and fiber optic network
  • Special education regional coordination, delivery of support services and technical support
  • Support for state and federally mandated reporting including SRSD, REP, FID, etc.
  • Regional Healthcare Skills Alliance to assist healthcare employers and to promote healthcare training and job opportunities to job seekers
  • Early childhood services through Early On and Great Parents, Great Start
  • Authorized to apply for State Board Continuing Education Units (professional development credits) on behalf of our local school districts
  • Support for administrative software services (student services, finance, payroll and human resources)
  • Access to educational video resources in online formats
  • Financial technical assistance and consulting for business office operations with local districts
  • Truancy, student auditing and calendar monitoring services including pupil counts and audits for four ISDs
  • Michigan Works! Service Centers in Albion, Battle Creek, Coldwater and Hastings serving job seekers and employers
  • Career and Technical Prep Grant writing and coordination
  • Consultation and support for technology operations with local school districts
  • Leadership and coordination of a $35 million National Science Foundation Grant (PROM/SE) – promoting rigorous outcomes in mathematics and science education
  • Coordination of out-sourcing of substitute teachers and teachers assistants for eight districts
  • Delivery of special education programs and services for students birth to 26 with moderate to severe disabilities
  • Operate instructional programs at Doris Klaussen Developmental Center, Starr Commonwealth, Calhoun Area Career Center and Calhoun County Juvenile Home
  • Welfare reform job training services to assist public assistance recipients to become economically self-sufficient
  • Coordination of reproductive health education activities in local school districts
  • Market/need driven services – pupil accounting, calendar negotiation, etc.


Public Act 413 of 2004 amended the Revised School Code by adding section 620, which requires each intermediate school district to post information on its website by December 31st of each year beginning in 2006.